New Zealand Beekeeping HistoryMarketing, people and beekeeping politics…

This is the start of a history of the NZ beekeeping industry, with strands of interest in the National Beekeepers' Association, honey marketing structures and other factors that brought the industry to where it is today.

It is also the portal to the NZ Beekeeping Digital Archive.

More recent history? See NZ's first bkpg website as it was at the end of 2000, the first year of a varroa incursion.

And the NBA site from about a year later, the end of 2001.

The early years…

In 1877 Mr Isaac Hopkins of Auckland promoted the use of the Langstroth frame hive. In 1880 the first Italian bees were imported. In one or more of those early shipments American foulbrood was introduced. In 1881 Mr TG Brickell, Senior, and uncle of Mr AB Callick who in 1930 was manager of Alliance Bee […]

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